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Celastrus paniculatus seed oil

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Product Code: BO-07002

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Botanical Oils

New, Fresh Material.  Pull down tab for various sizes.
Each fluid oz. (30 ml) contains 30,000 mg (30 gr.) per fl. oz. (Approx 1,200 drops)
Serving size: 6 drops (Approx. 150 mg or 25 mg/drop)
Servings per fl. oz. (Approx. 200)


Additional Information
Info: 1 fl. oz (30 ml). is about 500 drops. (equivalent to about 170 ct. x 90 mg softgels).
Ingredients: Cold-pressed Celastrus paniculatus seed oil.
Suggested Use: 6-9 drops of oil 2 to 3 times per day. (May be mixed with honey or yogurt / Apple sauce to offset the strong taste.)
Cautions / Contraindications: Best not to take too close to bed time; may potentially cause insomnia.


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