Golden Lotus Botanicals - Wholesale Traditional Chinese Herbs and Herbal Medicine
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Nourish Vision with Rehmannia / Ming Mu Di Huang Tang

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Product Code: CHF-01980

Additional Information
Ingredients: Shu Di Huang / Wine-Prepared Rehmannia root 18%
Shan Zhu Yu / Cornus fruit 9.00%
Shan Yao / Dioscorea / Wild Yam root 9.00%
Abalone / Haliotis shell / Shi Jue Ming 9.00%
Mu Dan Pi / Moutan 6.90%
Poria fungus / Fu Ling 6.90%
Ze Xie / Alisma 6.90%
Lycium fruit / Gou Qi Zi 6.90%
Chrysanthemum flower / Ju Hua 6.90%
Tribulus fruit / Bai Ji Li 6.90%
Dong Quai root / Dang Gui 6.80%
White Peony root / Bai Shao Yao 6.80%
Suggested Use: Shake Well before each use.

Maintenance Serving: Dissolve 1-2 droppers (1/2 tsp.) in warm water or juice 2-3 times daily.
Augmented Serving: Take 1 full tsp. 2 to 3 times daily in warm water or juice or as directed by a qualified herbalist familiar with the use of Chinese herbs and formulas.

To evaporate alcohol place in hot water.


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